Tag Archives: Jazz Age

The Classy Ciro’s Restaurant Chain

The Classy Ciro’s Restaurant Chain

Among European high society Ciro’s became an institution and perhaps the first classy restaurant chain in Europe with main branches in Monte Carlo, Paris, London and Biarritz. Each venue was regarded as far more than a restaurant but the very centre of fashionable life.

Continue reading The Classy Ciro’s Restaurant Chain

The Art of Betty Craig

The Art of Betty Craig (Elizabeth Edmonstone Craig)

The multi-named Elizabeth Edmonstone Craig painted under the name of Betty Craig and performed in opera as Signora Maria Nelvi and seemingly made a name for herself during the Jazz Age in the 1920s and early 1930s.

Continue reading The Art of Betty Craig


Welcome to the Jazz Age Club

I have had a passion about the Jazz Age of the 1920s and 1930s for a long time, especially anything relating to film, stage, cabaret, fashion and art. But, I have found that although there is a wealth of information about this period online, there is no general portal that encompasses all aspects of the period. I also want to introduce new topics and views not explored elsewhere to bring the period alive in a more diverse way instead of just focusing on the usual suspects such as Al Capone, Fitzgerald, the Bright Young Things and fancy dress parties.

Although my main focus is about art, culture and entertainment, this website is designed to become a central resource and open forum for all news, views, reviews and stories about anything relating to the period of the 20s and 30s but in reality will span 1900-1940 which can loosely be described as the Jazz Age. It will also be international in flavour covering both American and European subjects.

All posts are arranged thematically by subject and can be seen under the categories tab on the left.

If you would like to contribute a piece for these pages please contact me. Equally, please feel free to leave your comments.

All images and text © copyright Gary Chapman / Jazz Age Club and must not be re-used without prior consent

Gary Chapman

The Jazz Age Club
Contact Gary Chapman by email here
Gary Chapman’s Website
Edditt Publishing

The Jazz Age Club is now represented at Mary Evans Picture Library (www.maryevans.com), the UK’s leading source for historical imagery.