Tag Archives: C.B. Cochran

Fowler and Tamara

Fowler and Tamara

Addison Fowler and Florenz Tamara were undoubtedly one of America’s leading exponents of ballroom dancing in the mid 1920s through the early 1930s. Although they had an extensive repertoire it was Spanish themed dances that made their name and the fact that they looked good and had a great knack of wearing deliciously evocative costumes.

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The Pony Trot

The Pony Trot

The Pony Trot was an extension of the Pony Ballet allegedly devised by John Tiller in the 1890s and made famous by the Dolly Sisters in 1914 and thereafter as an exhibition dance.

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Who was Snow Ball?

Who was Snow Ball?

Snowball (Boule de Neige) gained a fabulous entre into the Parisian music hall by appearing with the glamorous Dolly Sisters in their 1927 revue at the Casino de Paris, Paris-New York. He appeared in several numbers including one where he partnered the Dolly Sisters and in another playing the banjo. He was described as an artist aged nine years old. A few years later Snowball re-surfaces in C.B Cochran’s show Wake Up and Dream at the London Pavilion in 1929.

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The Curious Tale of Peggy Marsh

The Curious Tale of Peggy Marsh

Peggy Marsh was an unremarkable chorus girl and later cabaret artist in the mid-1920s, who became famous for having a baby with the son of a multi-millionaire, and then being unceremoniously disregarded.

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Tricks and the Trix Sisters

The Trix Sisters

The Trix Sisters (Helen and Josephine) were an American vaudevillian team who made it big in Europe after the First World War. Although they appeared in some successful shows, their unique inimitable style of playing the piano, dancing and singing found even greater favour in the burgeoning cabaret circuit in London and Paris and their recordings became hugely popular. Continue reading Tricks and the Trix Sisters