Tag Archives: Joan Sawyer

Romano’s, Paris

Romano’s was a famous Parisian Restaurant in the Hotel de la Grand Bretagne that flourished in the Jazz Age of the 1920s.

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Clifford Fischer

Clifford C. Fischer, the originator of the French Casino Project

One of the most picturesque figures in show business, Clifford C. Fischer was an internationally distinquished booking agent and producer who really made a name for himself staging spectacular stage shows as part of the French Casino theatre-restaurant project in the mid 1930s.

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The Pony Trot

The Pony Trot

The Pony Trot was an extension of the Pony Ballet allegedly devised by John Tiller in the 1890s and made famous by the Dolly Sisters in 1914 and thereafter as an exhibition dance.

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Delmonico Restaurant, New York

Delmonico’s Restaurant, New York

The legendary Delmonico’s restaurant dominated New York society for almost one hundred years from 1824-1923 representing a standard of excellence in food, elegance and service.

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The Classy Ciro’s Restaurant Chain

The Classy Ciro’s Restaurant Chain

Among European high society Ciro’s became an institution and perhaps the first classy restaurant chain in Europe with main branches in Monte Carlo, Paris, London and Biarritz. Each venue was regarded as far more than a restaurant but the very centre of fashionable life.

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