Tag Archives: Lawrence Tiller Girls

The dancers Ernest and Yvonne

The Dancers Ernest and Yvonne

One of the most popular and prestigious ballroom dancing acts in Germany in the Jazz Age of the 1920s and 1930s was that of Ernest and Yvonne who seemingly emerged out of nowhere in about 1925 and danced not just in Germany but also France, Holland, England and other parts of Europe.

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Kathleen Zammit and Fidy Grube

Zammit and Grube were a German dancing team who specialised in arty acrobatics. They thrived for about 10 years from 1925 to 1935 and although originating in Germany and in particular Berlin, they travelled all over Europe and even the Near East and performed in Paris, London, Istanbul, Cairo, Dresden, Munich, Vienna, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Stockholm. 

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The Lorraine Sisters

The Lorraine Sisters

The Lorraine Sisters (Edna and Della) were a glamorous American sister act in the Jazz Age, who started off in vaudeville in America but swiftly found fame in Europe in the 1920s.

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