Tag Archives: Noel Coward

Cafe de Paris, London

Cafe de Paris, London

The Cafe de Paris was one of the most fashionable dining haunts in London in 1920s. Intimate and elegant it was described by Vogue magazine as ‘delightfully comfortable’ and by Dancing Times as ‘the smartest dance restaurant in London…’

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Lido Mania

Lido Mania

The fascination of Venice made the nearby beach resort of the Lido a natural extension of its attractions in the summer. Although it was popular from the turn of the century it suddenly became ultra-fashionable in the mid 1920s and world renowned as the ‘Pajama Beach’.

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The Fascination of Mah Jong

The Fascination of Mah Jong

One of the more curious fads that took America and then Europe by storm in the Jazz Age was the Chinese game of Mah Jong – the result of a long history of the West’s cultural assimilation of many aspects of Chinese culture.

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